UE4 Damage Numbers Component Plug-in

Preview of the damage number component plugin
Attachable Actor component for floating Damage Numbers when an actor takes damage. 100% Blueprints, editable content plug-in, and supports replication.

Implement the DamNumbersStyleInterface blueprint interface for font and number styling. It’s set up to use gameplay-tags in the interface so you can style based on the tags, or based on the damage value, or you can create your own input in the interface and use that! You can also create new outputs to support some other sort of style or effect.
Preview of the damage number component plugin

Just open up DamNumbersStyleInterface in the plugin folder find and click on the GetDamageNumbersFontStyle function and add inputs or outputs from the details pannel.
Preview of the damage number component plugin

Here is a very simple implemtation of the interface. Just a couple of checks on the incoming damage, and we change the font colour and size. Preview of the damage number component plugin

Plug-ins for UE4 versions 4.22, 4.24, 4.25. Only tested on localhost on 4.22 (but should work right?).


Copy the “DamageNumbersComponentPlugin” folder to:

  • your project’s plug-in folder (YourProject\Plugins)


  • Unreal Engine 4’s plug-in folder (…\UE_4.24\Engine\Plugins)

…and enable in the plug-in browser.